transparent Overseas

" Unclouded Pathway To Abroad​ "

Work Permit

In today’s globalized world, job seekers often dream of expanding their horizons and exploring new career opportunities in foreign countries. International experience not only enhances one’s professional skills but also broadens their cultural horizons. To facilitate this, many countries now offer Job Seeker Visas, which allow individuals to search for employment opportunities abroad. In this blog, we’ll explore various countries that offer these visas, shedding light on the eligibility criteria and application processes.

Germany - The Blue Card Program

Germany, known for its strong economy and excellent quality of life, offers the Blue Card Program. This visa allows non-EU citizens to reside and seek employment in the country. To qualify, you usually need a recognized university degree and a job offer that meets certain salary requirements. The Blue Card offers a pathway to permanent residence and eventually German citizenship.

United Arab Emirates - UAE Golden Visa

The UAE introduced the Golden Visa program, which grants residency to skilled professionals, including job seekers. To be eligible, applicants must have a university degree, a valid job offer, and meet certain income requirements. The Golden Visa opens the doors to the dynamic job market in the UAE.

Australia - Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa

Australia's TSS Visa program allows skilled workers to come to the country temporarily to fill positions that cannot be filled by Australian workers. It's a stepping stone to permanent residency, and the duration of the visa depends on the nominated occupation. Applicants need to be sponsored by an Australian employer.

Japan - Specified Skilled Worker Visa

Japan introduced the Specified Skilled Worker Visa to address labor shortages in certain industries. It's available to foreign nationals with skills and expertise in designated sectors. Applicants undergo a skills test, language proficiency test, and secure a job offer. The visa can lead to a more permanent residency status.

Singapore - Employment Pass

Singapore's Employment Pass is designed for foreign professionals and skilled workers. To be eligible, you must have a job offer from a Singaporean employer and meet minimum salary requirements. The pass is typically valid for up to two years and can be renewed.

Sweden - Job Seeker Visa

Japan introduced the Specified Skilled Worker Visa to address labor shortages in certain industries. It's available to foreign nationals with skills and expertise in designated sectors. Applicants undergo a skills test, language proficiency test, and secure a job offer. The visa can lead to a more permanent residency status.